New! Advanced ASL Legal Series: Labor / Employment Law, Vol. 1 DVD + USB Set

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Everyday ASL University has launched an Advanced ASL Legal Series covering a number of law categories related to Labor / Employment Law.

This set is a first volume part of multiple volumes covering a wide range of topics about Deaf and ASL Community affected by labor / employment issues and laws.

Reality check: Deaf people and people part of ASL communities do have employment issues or situations requiring legal actions. Examples how to confer issues and situations associated with Labor / Employment Law in ASL proficiently with advanced vocabulary, phrases, ASL Classifiers and countless other ASL features in this first volume:

- Age Discrimination in Employment Act
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration
- United States Department of Labor
- employment rights
- criminal background
- criminal history
- drug tests
- hire a person / process
- hiring multiple people
- opportunity
- interview (variations)
- evaluate / criteria
- screening
- employee
- employer / understanding roles
- fundamentals of being self-employed
- work under boss
- freelance
- fired / terminated
- resign - understanding the differences
- quit
- laid off situations
- leave of absence
- suspended / suspension
- maternity leave
- workplace discrimination outline review
- gender discrimination and various examples,
   situations, directionalities, etc.
- disability discrimination and various examples,
   situations, explanations, discussions, etc.
- sexual harassment examples and stories
- being jobless with variations
- fundamentals of unemployment
- review of unemployment insurance
- review of temporary disability
- review of permanent disability
- review of continuing disability
- short-term disability insurance
- disability benefits
- getting money every month
- filing a disability claim
- disability claim form
- healthcare provider
- medical documentation
- policy number
- policyholder information
- patient information
- review of disability due to sickness issue
- review of disability due to injury issue
- covered accidents
- being disabled and unable to work 
- and more.

Benefits from this set are: 

  • Learn how to express and understand advanced ASL Legal words, phrases, sentences and expressions related to Labor / Employment Law with focus on Work Environment and Discrimination issues along with helpful examples & discussions
  • Learn from Deaf Coda teacher with life experience in legal situations
  • Excellent for training courses and self-study plans
  • First time ever: you will get both DVD and USB for ease of use
  • Designed for interpreters, families, teachers, students and more
  • Optimized for ASL interpreting performance tests, ASL evaluation tests, ASL Proficiency Interviews (ASLPI / SCPI) etc.
  • Easy-to-follow Bilingual training with video aids
  • Countless hard-to-find ASL signs seen and used in Deaf Community

Like with most of our training videos, this film will have no audio for training purposes and some with open captions for convenient learning experience. All DVDs and USBs will be in eco-friendly CD sleeves WITHOUT Amaray DVD cases to help customers save money. Each disc are clearly labeled for your convenience. Color and style of USB sticks may vary to ensure highest quality to you. The pictures shown above are for illustration only and are not printed on any DVDs. Due to ongoing additions of content and curriculum variations, the above list of topics may vary (more or less) at time of delivery. Ships free to continental U.S. 

This is a brand new set and are in high demand. Please be patient as tracking information will be provided after product ships within 2-3 weeks. Thank you.