New! Mental Health in American Sign Language, Vol. 7: Trauma & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) DVD + USB Set

  • $79.00
  • Save $67

At Everyday ASL University's ASL training program, our initial intention was to release a 6-DVD set focused on Mental Health in ASL studies and training. However, in response to the tremendous demand from the Deaf and ASL communities, the substantial increase in mental health awareness in recent years, and the Deaf community's proactive request for mental health support, we have collaborated with mental health professionals. Consequently, we have expanded our offering by developing numerous additional volumes that encompass a comprehensive range of ASL training in the realm of Mental Health.

Everyday ASL University has released Mental Health in American Sign Language, Vol. 7: Trauma & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) advanced training covering a wide variety of topics and issues associated with mental health situations and needs among the Deaf and ASL Community.

Learn more from a Deaf ASL professor with diverse experience in mental health field on how to correctly and culturally communicate complex and sensitive issues and situations associated with mental health in ASL proficiently with advanced vocabulary, technical terms, phrases, ASL Classifiers and countless other 'hard-to-find' ASL features - covering the following topics:

- variations regarding trauma

- understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

- understanding anxiety

- variations regarding panic attacks

- variations regarding flashbacks

- differentiating and correctly expressing "trigger"

- perspective of a survivor

- review of traumatic event in ASL

- various translation regarding emotional regulation in ASL

- cultural approach to resilience

- variations regarding coping skills

- understanding treatments

- various therapies

- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing):

- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

- Exposure therapy

- translating mindfulness

- review of relaxation techniques

- review of hypervigilance

- Intrusive thoughts via several examples within a culturally Deaf group

- Nightmares

- Dissociation via examples and how to explain culturally in ASL

- expressing shame

- review of guilt with examples

- review of anger with examples

- how to review depression with Deaf accent

- understanding and review of self-care

- recognizing and discussing the significance of support network

- more in-depth examples of various powerful triggers

- study of expressing emotionally charged memories

- review of various examples of avoidance

- receptively and expressively understand the essence of emotional numbness

- Social isolation and the Deaf Community

- Hypnotherapy, what it is and how to express in ASL

- Trauma-informed care, why is it important and how to translate

- essence of self-esteem

- Emotional flashbacks in ASL

- how to culturally translate emotional dysregulation

- review of fundamental concept of fight or flight response in ASL

- why self-blame

- Hyperarousal, what it is

- Startle response, how do you express with accent?

- Insomnia

- Post-traumatic growth

- healing

- coping mechanisms

- the essence of shame resilience in ASL

- Self-compassion

- Gratitude

- Mind-body connection

- Neuroplasticity

- Art therapy, from painting to crafts

- Music Vibration therapy

- pet therapy

- nature therapy

- trauma bonds 

- what is secondary trauma and how to express in ASL correctly

- Compassion fatigue, what it is and how to translate efficiently

- and many more with full sentence examples aided with visual aids

Additionally, each viewer will also learn how to avoid dangerous errors, misinterpretations and misunderstandings related to mental health.

Benefits from this set are: 

  • Continue to learn much more new Mental Health categories showing you how to express and understand advanced ASL via complex words, phrases, sentences and expressions with helpful examples & discussions
  • Learn from Deaf Coda teacher with experience in mental health situations
  • Excellent for training courses and self-study plans
  • First time ever: you will get both DVD and USB for ease of use
  • Designed for interpreters, families, teachers, students and more
  • Optimized for ASL interpreting performance tests, ASL evaluation tests, ASL Proficiency Interviews (ASLPI / SCPI) etc.
  • Easy-to-follow Bilingual training with video aids
  • Countless hard-to-find ASL signs seen and used in Deaf Community

Like with most of our training videos, this film will have no audio for training purposes and some with open captions for convenient learning experience. All DVDs and USBs will be in eco-friendly CD sleeves WITHOUT Amaray DVD cases to help customers save money. Each disc are clearly labeled for your convenience. Color and style of USB sticks may vary to ensure highest quality to you. The pictures shown above are for illustration only and are not printed on any DVDs. Ships free to continental U.S. 

This is a brand new set and are in high demand. Please be patient as tracking information will be provided after product ships within 2-3 weeks. Thank you.